Blog Hop
I’ve been tagged in a round the world blog hop by Penny of ArtJourney, and while this post is a lot more “abstract” than my usual posts, it is always interesting to think about your own work in a different way. So thank you Penny, for giving me the opportunity!
1. What am I working on?
Er.. How long have you got? My long term project is the Dreams of Amarna, but at the moment I’m also following the Opus Anglicanum Stitch A Long, and now the weather is closing in, I will soon be back to the Crazy Canvaswork Cushion. That doesn’t include, of course, random little projects that I pick up and put down occasionally, or new techniques I try, but don’t find an immediate use for..
- Rough Layout of the first panel
- Wings In Laidwork
- Two Thirds Done
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I tend not to stick to a single type of embroidery, so there is a lot of cross-fertilisation between the styles of embroidery I use, and the way in which I use them. However, unlike a lot of similarly eclectic embroiderers, I rarely work anything truly abstract: there’s usually a story somewhere at the back of any piece I work. Two more long term projects I have plans for when Dreams of Amarna is done are panels relating to The Golden Fleece and The Conversion of Placidus. In fact, the Conversion of Placidus is bubbling at the back of my mind at the moment; I had a tour of Flag Fan with Francis Pryor a couple of weeks ago (fabulous, by the way, for anyone with any interest in prehistory!), and I’m desperate to include the kingfisher I saw there…
- Jason bringing the Fleece to Pelias. Photo by Jastrow (2006) Public Domain Licence
- Pisanello “Vision of St. Eustace” in The National Gallery, London
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
Because I love it. Embroidery is the medium in which I choose to respond to stories, ideas – or domestic opportunities. Many of my “non-literary” projects are worked with our house in mind – like the Firescreen, the chair seats, or the Finnish table runner.
- Jacobean Style Fire Screen
- Finished Chairs
- Table Runner Hemmed
4. How does my writing/creating process work?
It varies very much with the project in question. For the Dreams of Amarna, I have read and re-read the book “Nefertiti Lived Here” by Mary Chubb, I have visited the Egypt Exploration Society and the Petrie Museum, the Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition and Discovering Tutankhamun at the Ashmolean and I have taken a course in working with metal threads. In fact, the idea was bubbling in the back of my mind for ten years before I even set a stitch!
In contrast, projects like the Elephant Doorstop, the Stones of Venice Footstool, or the Knot Garden are much more improvisatory!
- Finished Doorstop
- Finished Footstool
- The Canvaswork Knot Garden
- Janice, who blogs at Dancing With Sunflowers, was one of the first people to encourage me to start to a blog, and to welcome me to the world of blogging. She crafts thoughtfully using a range of techniques, many of which I know I wouldn’t be good at, so I have the greatest admiration for her.
- Jules has recently started a new blog, Needle and Pen, since she felt that her earlier blog no longer allowed space for her changing interests in craft and art. I’m going to be very interested to follow the development of her new adventure.
Rachel, your blog and works are inspiring with stories. I’ve been following you and know more about you now.
great Q&A!
Fabulous post!! I loved reading the background to your work. In fact I’d love to be inside your mind for a day or two — its rich with images and stories and of course work yet to come. So glad I found you long ago.
I so enjoyed hearing more of the ‘back stories’ of your wonderful embroideries Rachel, and more about your creative journey. Your work is always inspiring – full of imagery, and so beautifully executed. I’m delighted to be tagged – thank you!(Very envious of your visit to Flag Fen – how wonderful!)
Lovely to read the review of your Life and Works, Rachel, and to see again some old friends. Looking forward, too, to seeing the completion of the crazy canvaswork cushion, which can’t be far away now! Thanks for tagging me and giving me the push to think about what I do and why.
The variety of your work is fascinating and so imaginative, Rachel. Are you ever without a needle in your hand?!
What wonderful stories and works of art!
Nice to get an overview of your work like this Rachel, setting it all into context, and detailing the planning and research behind your beautiful pieces. The colours for the Dragon are wonderful. I love rich deep earthy tones at this time of year. XCathy
Great post!
So wonderful to be introduced to your work, by way of Janice. The detail in your embroidery is exquisite. “Love” really is the best reason for doing things isn’t it!
Your work is gorgeous! Such precise detail, so much time and skill!