Two Amarna Princesses – Finishing Details

Sewing On The Princess

Sewing On The Princess

I decided that I would actually sew down the princesses. Everything else has been needlefelted into place, but the texture that creates, especially on a light felt, is a bit too regimented for the impression I want to convey.

I’ve very carefully, and as near as I can make it, invisibly, attached the felt around the edges, stitching into the thickness of the felt that makes the two girls and using a wool thread that is close in colour to the felt.

Ready For Her Close-Up

Ready For Her Close-Up

So far, so good.

I then used a hand needlefelting tool and went just around the edges, and into the sections that are further back. I’m trying to create a slightly sculptural effect, so that the princesses have a slight roundness to them. Remember how, at the beginning, I said I wanted to recall the scene as the original fresco artist may have seen it, as well as recalling the fresco itself?

Two Amarna Princesses

Two Amarna Princesses

I’m rather pleased with my two little princesses.

I need to work a little magic in straightening up the panel and working out how to display it, as I think the three felt panels that I’ve done so far would all die if put behind glass, and may not even be happy in frames.  A question for another day.


  1. Lady Fi says:

    They are delightful.

  2. Mam says:

    I have seen effective displays attached to mount board (no confined by the hole) which were then framed.

  3. NOT needle felting them was the right choice! They are attached beautifully and delicately, they really stand out and look live.
    I just love the background, too. I wonder what the best way to display this work of art would be, it is after all a fresco so as little ‘framing’ as possible…

  4. I clicked on the photos to enlarge them – the detail of your work shows up really well. Looking at the question of presentation from a quilter’s view, I would consider stitching them on to heavy linen and making them into a wallhanging

  5. Catherine says:

    It looks fabulous Rachel! Your attempt at sculpting them has worked really well, and you have achieved your initial goal I would say.

  6. jenclair says:

    I like the way you echo the colors, Rachel. 🙂

  7. Carolyn Foley says:

    They are lovely.

  8. Karen says:

    you are so good at figures and as always the attention to detail is awe inspiring. I can’t help with the display except to say I completely agree glass should be avoided.

  9. Karen says:

    Beautifully done, Rachel, as always. The question of textile or embroidery display is always a problem, but I think I’m in agreement with the quilters. It seems to me to want to be a wall hanging, which would reinforce the fresco influences.

  10. Alex Hall says:

    The figures have really come to life with your mixture of needlefelting and stitching and the whole composition is a delight. My vote is for a hanging too.

  11. The intricate details that you’ve included and the care you’ve taken with each decision along the way really shines through in the finished piece. I love that you chose to stitch the princesses on and then add careful chosen felted contouring. It turned out beautiful!

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week’s Stitchery Link Party. Aloha hugs!

  12. Sheryl says:

    Beautiful stitching Rachel, I especially like how you have achieved the rounded fullness of the figures – perfect- I would suggest a type of wall hanging too, no glass or frame.