More Mending with a Mathstodon

The bare bones of the counting frame, tacked through tracing paper.

Since I’m not doing the entire design on a single patch, I decided to do the counting frame, not as a separate piece of fabric, but directly onto the fabric of the trousers. So, just to make everything slightly easier, I’ve tacked the outlines of the frame and wires onto the fabric through a bit of tissue paper, now torn away. This is one of the design transfer techniques I’ve come to use the most for this sort of design idea, where absolute precision isn’t at issue (when is it ever, with what I do?)

The counting frame is outlined in chain stitches, and the Mathstodon attached with buttonhole stitches.

So, progress – the Mathstodon buttonhole stitched into place, and the bare bones of the counting frame in place, chain stitch for the outside, single long stitches held in place with small stitches for the wires. Don’t worry about the long floats, the satin stitch beads will keep them in place!

The bit of wall behind the Mathstodon, worked in cream trellis couching.

I do feel that I may have made the buttonhole stitch a bit chunky, at the speed The Australian moves when in full flow, the outlines need to be definite, or noone will make sense of what I’ve done at all!

I was still a bit worried about the fabric immediately above the hole, so I’ve given it a bit of reinforcement with some Trellis Couching in cream. The choice of stitch doesn’t relate to school maths exercise books – it was a matter of finding a stitch pattern that I thought would support the fabric of the garment!


  1. Sue Jones says:

    That’s working nicely. Aren’t you tempted to put a geometry diagram over the trellis? A 3,4,5 Triangle or something?

  2. Lin says:

    Looking good – the trellis looks like shadow. x

  3. Meredithe says:

    The trellis looks like graph paper – definitely maths related!!

  4. This brings back memories! I had a counting frame when I was a little girl, it sat at the top of a blackboard we had in the nursery.
    When I went to the USSR I saw their huge counting frames on shop counters and here in Japan, the counting frames are neat and elegant. There is a school nearby where counting on these frames is taught to children and youths. There are quite a lot of competitions to see who’s the fastest in the country.

  5. Alex Hall says:

    Definitely giving me squared paper vibes. Perhaps a cloud edging round it like a though bubble and the equations the Mathstodon is thinking of scribbled down on the paper…

  6. Carolyn Foley says:

    That is one clever Mathsodon.