
Rather cloudlike Sashiko pattern, navy fabric with white thread.

Having a Twixmas project has become part of my year for more than one reason. Firstly because usually I have to hide away my main project, as the table I work beside takes the Christmas tree. But secondly, and in some ways more importantly, it helps me “reboot” myself. Last year in particular, I ran out of “me” before I ran out of year, by quite a few weeks, and sitting quietly doing something I didn’t have to do any planning for turned out to be a proper reboot.

Because I’ve come up with ideas for making progress with Placidus, who’s been losing forward momentum for quite a while, as well as having ideas for another embroidered coat..

The beginnings of a stitched piece on gauze. You can barely see the outlines but they are there.

Placidus first. We’ve been remembering the description of the fresco in “The Herb of Grace”, and it’s slightly mad, the characters of Placidus, his horse and dogs, and the stag all a bit big and out of scale with the forest, and with little vignettes of animals in the spaces in the canopy.

Placidus had stalled because I’d got caught up in having the design planned out before I started. It’s going to be a big design, and for all my drawing and design skills have improved enormously over the years, a very taxin one. So, the reboot is to do what I did, in fact, with Amarna – start doing fragments that will be part of it, and worry about assembly when I get there.

Second stage of the hawk - much more to do. But the colour representation for the gauze is much better than the first photo.

Shortly after having that thought, I found myself watching a documentary in which Hamza Yassin was on the track of Britsh birds of prey, and remembered a bit of blue gauze I have in my stash.

Well, now.

So I started with pausing the documentary and taking a few photos of one of the hawks. Then I found the gauze and drew a very light outline in one corner of it. I’m going to be freestyling this one – part of continuing the reboot and reminding myself of my True Love in stitching.


  1. Linda says:

    Looking forward to seeing more of it.

  2. Pence says:

    That description of the fresco is so vivid. I’ve wanted to see it in reality for years.

  3. Alex Hall says:

    This has such a lovely airy quality to it – beautiful.

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