Tag: Lady Catherine’s Slipper

Lady Catherine’s Slipper

Starting the finishing on Lady Catherine's Slipper

Starting the finishing on Lady Catherine’s Slipper

It has taken me a while to finish the embroidery for the Lady Catherine’s Slipper Needlework Nibble. In part this is due to our usual modern complaint of Life in general getting in the way, and in part it is due to my aversion to black. It will look lovely when it’s done, but anything that involves me working with black thread rather than any other colour is always going to be low on the list.  However, now it is done, and I move on to the question of Finishing…

Which means being a brave girl and messing around with glue, close to my careful stitchery and some absolutely gorgeous silk brocade.

Lady Catherine's Slipper

Lady Catherine’s Slipper

Since glue is involved, and has to dry between each stage of the assembly, it took several episodes, spread over a couple of days, but I got there in the end, and I’m very pleased with it.

I photographed it lying across a Limoges enamel bowl belonging to my parents, so that it would show up nicely against against the glossy enamel background.

Close Up of the Slipper

Close Up of the Slipper

The gold thread is a really fine one, and the spidery black tendrils embellishing the black border help it to stand out against the base fabric.

My cord-making skills could use some improvement, I think, as the cord sewn around the edge isn’t entirely even, nor is it as tightly twisted as I would have liked. It is, however, rather better than the one I made for the Glittering Snail, so at least there are signs that Practise is indeed Making Perfect!

Needlework Nibble – Lady Catherine’s Slipper

Lady Catherine's Slipper

Lady Catherine’s Slipper

As though I haven’t enough to do, I have decided to do another of the Needlework Nibbles from Thistle Threads.

This one has gold curlicues edged in black and the background and lining are of black and gold silk brocade. I hesitated before deciding to take it on – black is a colour I’m not fond of – but since the gold was there to lift it, and since the various challenges of finishing the Nibbles are very good for me, I went ahead.

First Curlicue

First Curlicue

In the instructions, Tricia suggests using brown Micron pen for the main curlicues and black for the ornamental curls. That’s a great idea, but as brown is all I have (from the Glittering Nightcap kit) and my local artists’ suppliers don’t know about Micron I shall simply have to stay alert, especially as the lines have turned out rather faint.

The embroidery in this case seems fairly simple – the golden curlicues are worked in Heavy Chain Stitch, one of my favourites, and the black silk will be worked in Stem Stitch and Split Stitch.

As usual, therefore, the challenge will be in the making up. It will probably take me a week or so, once I’ve finished the embroidery, to gather my courage to tackle the finishing!