Finishing the Faience Necklace


In the end, I unpicked both of the previous attempts, and used a mass of French knots, worked again in hand twisted silk, this time combining some of the very fine silk from a Frostings box with my Japanese Flat silk.

I think these work well, especially at the small scale of the piece.

Lotus Flower
Lotus Flower

I’d been rather dreading the large lotus flower, representing the shaped endpieces of a broad collar necklace, because I was remembering the struggle I’d had with the “Fragment of Tile That Started It All“.

Then I had an epiphany of my own, and used the difference in appearance and reflectance of twisted silk compared with flat silk to help distinguish the shapes of the petals and bring the foremost ones forwards. I’m very pleased with how that turned out!

Finished Faience Necklace
Finished Faience Necklace

And now, finally, it’s done!

This one is almost certainly going to be one of the “spots” around one of the big panels, because although I like it, and it represents what I want it to, I don’t think it has the visual strength to stand alone.

But then, if all the pieces could stand on their own, I wouldn’t be able to assemble the panels I want to, would I!

Finally, Episode 14 of SlowTV Stitchery is now live, discussing design thoughts, music and musicians. Do drop in and see how I’m getting on!


  1. Sue Jones says:

    All the hard work, the thinking, trying and trying again, and the end result is clean, clear, (apparently) simple, neat and glowing. The effort and the hard won experience don’t show, just the delightful, playful pieces of necklace. The two styles of sky blue silk work very well, as do all your texture choices on this embroidery.

  2. Oh, it is just beautiful! The blue lotus flower is a true gem. Fascinating to see how the flat silk and the twisted silk look totally different.
    You are so clever at so many things, Rachel.

  3. Gosh what a difference that twist makes, both to texture and tone, it shows what a difference using flat silk makes to a piece, as does all the stitching. As you say, it just pulls those petals forward and I love your final decision for those luscious bunches of grapes. French knots were definitely the right choice, and I do like a French knot, some folks loathe working them, but I think they have a lovely rhythm, both in the stitching and the outcome

  4. Jen Mullen says:

    The texture, both tactile and visual, is wonderful. Beautiful work!

  5. Carolyn Foley says:

    Looks exactly right. You must be pleased?

  6. Lady Fi says:

    Stunning colours!

  7. karen says:

    oh I love this….it’s stunning! jewel like….

  8. Dima says:

    I absolutely love your lotus. It showcases the silk beautifully.